Inspire Capital utilizes an advanced strategy created to harness the massive income potential of equity based, covered calls. This allows for extraordinary risk minimization while maintaining the potential for superior returns.
The basic idea is to make every investment profitable. We strategically buy equities (stocks) of blue-chip companies, and we use these stocks to generate income. If the value of our stock goes up: You make money. If the stock value goes sideways: You make money because of the income generated. If the stock value goes down: Then we strive to generate enough income to offset the drop in stock value, and ultimately turn this investment net positive (without the need for the stock to rebound higher). Once net positive, we’ll take profits and repeat the process.
This is tax efficient even in taxable account settings because our sophisticated methodology allows for capital gains treatment for the majority of the income we generate. This allows for significant tax planning that would otherwise be unavailable.
All investments maintain liquidity, so your money isn’t tied up. All investments are completely transparent, and you’ll be able to follow what is happening in real time.
The actual methodology of this advanced strategy is well outlined in Michael McKee’s book, BIG INCOME – Creating Wealth with Covered Calls.
- Inspire Capital is fee-only. This means you will never be charged a sales commission.
- As an independent firm, we have direct control over all aspects of our service offering. We are not tied to the needs of a broker dealer. Instead, we work only for you.
- Everything we do is individually customized based upon your goals.
- Our management fee structure is based upon the dollar amount of assets we manage for you.
- We manage many different account types. Here’s a list of the most common:
- IRAs (R/O, ROTH, Traditional)Pensions (401k, Profit Sharing, Simple IRA, SEP IRA)
- Taxable (Individual, JTTEN)
- Trusts (Revocable, Irrevocable)
- Variable Annuities/Insurance products